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Our mission
To help India based corporations help Indians
Who are we?
Siliconindia.org is a not for profit initiative of siliconindia employees and likeminded volunteers from other organizations.
Our initiatives
CSR efforts more productive
To make CSR efforts more productive
While there is no universal definition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), we define it as efforts and initiatives by corporations to contribute to their social responsibility without any expectations of direct financial gains. Corporations can take independent initiatives to help the community or can work with local organizations.

Our goal here is to showcase CSR efforts being done by hundreds of corporations in India and how its helping local communities. We hope to provide a platform where different CSR efforts can leverage each other resources and learning's to provide maximum help to their target communities in India.
NGO Help
To help get NGO's more corporate sponsors and also to attract more individual professionals
as volunteers and donors.
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